Mesothelin is a 40 kDa glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored glycoprotein cleaved from a 69 kDa precursor protein. Mesothelin immunoreactivity is high in cancers of the ovary (serous papillary, endometrioid and undifferentiated) and pancreas, with less frequent staining seen in adenocarcinomas of the endometrium, lung and stomach/esophagus. Mesothelin is one of the most sensitive markers for mesothelioma. Primary antibodies are available purified, or with a selection of fluorescent CF® Dyes and other labels. CF® Dyes offer exceptional brightness and photostability. Note: Conjugates of blue fluorescent dyes like CF®405S and CF®405M are not recommended for detecting low abundance targets, because blue dyes have lower fluorescence and can give higher non-specific background than other dye colors. .
0.1 mg/mL.
Storage Buffer
PBS, 0.1% BSA, 0.05% azide.
Product Applications
IHC, FFPE (verified) .
Storage Temperature
2°C to 8°C.
Stable at room temperature or 37°C (98°F) for 7 days.